jueves, 28 de junio de 2007

121. ¿Y si aquello que parece estar mal, al final resultara ser lo correcto?

Los Planetas
La caja del diablo

Siempre pienso que me han engañado,
que algo tan pequeño no puede afectar así al cerebro.

Pero ahora siento
una sensación intensa
entre los oídos.
Y a partir de ahora todo es distinto.
Encerré al diablo
en esta caja
y me he dormido.
Cuando me despierto,
la veo sentada sonriendo sobre mi cama.
Mira dulcemente,
y me besa y me abraza.

Pronto siento que algo me está robando el alma.
Con esfuerzo consigo
separar sus labios de los míos.
Logro separarme escupiendo sangre.
El roce de su piel quema mi carne.
Mira desde la cama
inocente y asustada.
La piel brillando casi con escamas
y descubro un brillo endemoniado en su mirada,
veo claramente en ella el rostro de mi hermana.
Vuelvo hacia la caja y siento
un escalofrío al verla destapada.
Cuando vuelvo la mirada
no está ella
ya no hay nada,
sólo hay una risa que me hiela el alma.
Algo muy difícil de explicar con palabras.

2 comentarios:

Cecilia dijo...

Esa misma pregunta me hago yo todos los días a todas horas desde hace varios días. Concretamente desde que decidí ser infeliz para ser feliz luego. ¿De verdad merece la pena no equivocarse?

Anónimo dijo...

Artista: Deluxe
Album: If things were to go wrong
Canción: Song for ana

It´s not worthwhile you share a tear,
you need more time and then you´ll see
we are going to find our little place
and there you´ll make shine everything.

You just have to let things flow
and then you´ll see how good things come,
I´ll give you reasons to believe,
don´t you see you are not alone?

It takes a while before you realize
that everything you want to do
is right and finally
you will make your dreams come true.

If you feel that something´s going bad
we move away, but please don´t worry about that.
Please tell me why everything you do is right,
please look around and feel at home for tonight.

I´ve been crying tears with you
and I´ve been laughing there for you,
you´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.

I´ve never met a girl like you,
you make me feel as no one else,
´cause you have made my dreams come true,
how I can tell you you´re the best?

You´ll see it clear eventually,
so don´t you worry anymore,
I´m gonna give you what you need,
told you before I´ve got enough love.

If you feel that something´s going bad
we move away, but please don´t worry about that.
Please tell me why everything you do is right,
please look around and feel at home for tonight.

I´ve been crying tears with you
and I´ve been laughing there for you,
you´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.

I sat on the red chair for you
and I write songs, they´re all for you.
You´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.

I´ve been crying tears with you
and I´ve been laughing there for you,
you´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.

I sat on the red chair for you
and I write songs, they´re all for you.
You´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.

I´ve been crying tears with you
and I´ve been laughing there for you,
you´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.

I sat on the red chair for you
and I write songs, they´re all for you.
You´ve moved away my loneliness
and you have made shine everything.